In the event that you love creatures and frequently can’t choose which ones you like more, Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen, known as gyyporama, has an odd, yet entertaining arrangement. This Norwegian gadgets engineer concocts new creature species by joining genuine ones in Photoshop. His creature half and halves are charming, senseless, dorky, and now and again somewhat dreadful, yet they will fill your heart with joy!”I began making them in late 2012, when I was an understudy. Me and a companion were kidding about how peculiar and innocuous guinea pigs are, so I began blending them in with different creatures for no reason in particular with the Photoshop experience I had. This was directly in the test time frame, so I required a few delays from examining. The photos turned out to be very mainstream, so I kept creation some in 2013. Fredriksen draws in his crowd of more than 52,000 Instagram supporters in his engaging pastime by allowing them to propose and pick names for the new strange animals and the majority of them are right on the money and nearly as interesting as the photos.
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