Have you heard about the blop? This is the thing where the dog leaves a little of its tongue sticking out of its mouth (not to be confused with bluffing, which is the same thing with cats), and it is never amazing. (Editor’s Note: There is debate about whether the dog’s tongue sticking out in this way is called “blap” or “blap.” Please feel free to weigh in the comments.)
Credit Cuteness
#1 Blop ’til you drop.
#2 Freshly washed and ready for blops.
#3 His favorite game is hide-and-blop.
#4 Roly poly blop.
#5 Quadruple blop!
#6 Dare you not to say “Aww!
#7 Grumpy old man blop
#8 Teeth? Who needs ’em?
#9 A wee little blop.
#10 If I do a good blop, can it be dinnertime?
#11 Nap time blop with bonus puppy fat
#12 Just chilling and blopping, ya know.
#13 Ahh, warm and cozy blop
#14 Photobombblop
#15 Sleepy pupper blop
#16 Blop of the mornin’ to you
#17 Taste the rainbow.
#18 Probably a powerful blop/snore combo
#19 Blopping with the best of them.
#20 A long snooted blop.
#21 The squishiest blop ever.
#22 That “just woke up” feeling.